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Learn how ArmRLite can help you with your next LEEDs Green Building Project

Learn how ArmRLite can help you with your next LEEDs Green Building Project

August 12, 2020

LEED Materials and Resources Credit with ArmRLiteUSGBC created LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) to clarify and measure what green building means as well as to provide guidance for sustainable building projects. LEED is currently the leading green building rating system in the world. LEED credits are awarded based on meeting the performance standards of the rating system. There are six categories of the rating system: Sustainable Sites, Water Efficiency, Energy and Atmosphere, Materials and Resources, Indoor Environmental Quality and Innovation and Design Process.

The LEED rating system does not award credits for specific products and instead looks at the project holistically to determine whether performance is met. ArmRLite can help meet these performance standards by addressing the Materials and Resources category of the rating system.

LEED Materials and Resources Credit

Materials and Resources Credit 4.1 and 4.2 Recycle Content Percentage is broken down into post industrial and post consumer content. The specific model and make-up of the door(s) supplied will determine the percentage distribution for recycled content. The minimum percentage of recycled content for the product(s) supplied is based on the post industrial and post consumer values.

Materials and Resources Credit 5.1 and 5.2 is based on regional materials manufacturing location. Distance between the manufacturing facility and the project location is also calculated.

For projects requiring LEED credits, documentation for the overhead sectional door product scope can be supplied during the submittal process when ArmRLite sectional doors will be used. ArmRLite LEED documentation is unique to our products and cannot be used for sectional doors that are not manufactured by ArmRLite.

If you are currently working on a LEED project or require LEED documentation for a project in the submittal process now, please feel free to contact us. Our sales staff would be glad to help address any questions.

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