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Glass Garage Door Replacement Sections Feature

Glass Garage Door Replacement Sections

August 13, 2014

Finding the right glass garage door replacement sections can be a hassle. Depending on the manufacturer, style, age, and construction method used on the original door, a replacement section may be impossible to find. Most garage door manufacturers, in an effort to reduce costs, consistently retire or change their models. If your current garage door model has fallen into the “abandoned” category you may be in for an uphill journey.

ArmRLite Glass Garage Door Replacement Sections and Parts

Glass Garage Door Replacement SectionsIf you have an ArmRLite glass garage door, replacement parts and sections are readily available. With consistent, quality manufacturing for more than 60 years, our replacement sections can be made identical to your existing door. This means no misalignments or protruding or sagging sections. ArmRLite’s sections are the only welded glass garage door sections in our industry. Some competitors have claimed to provide replacement sections for our doors; however these sections are poorly constructed and often sag or don’t fit properly and can damage the functionality of the rest of the door.

Customers with ArmRLite glass garage doors maybe pressured by an installer to replace them with cheaper alternatives to save money. Often times the installer will not explain exactly where the savings come from in the cheaper door and focus entirely on the immediate savings. Unfortunately after the ArmRLite door is replaced, customers come to realize that the cheaper door requires more maintenance, sags over time, and is in constant need of replacement parts costing them more money over the long run. This is why most manufactures only warranty their doors for 1-5 years. ArmRLite is the only manufacturer with a 20 year welded frame warranty on our glass garage doors.

If your current ArmRLite door is in need of parts, please fill out our glass garage door replacement parts form for a quote today!


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